First Run + First Time for Bok Choy

As you can tell from my title up there … today’s post is all about firsts!

Mr. Grumpy and I began our half-marathon training today after work. We were scheduled to run three miles at an 11:48/mile pace. Well – guess what this gal did? I beat my training plan’s goal – and ran 10:27-minute miles! Isn’t that amazing? Now, let me tell you. It was not all fun and games. For example, Cleveland was under a tornado warning – little to Mr. Grumpy and I’s knowledge. So, about halfway through our run, it started raining… pretty hard. Then Mr. Grumpy was amazed that all of a sudden, my hair was curly (as I had straightened it for work). It seems like this would not be surprising after having cohabitated with one another for more than two years… but I digress. You have to choose your battles.

It was ALSO Mr. Grumpy’s choice for our route today … and for the first run of our training season I thought maybe … JUST MAYBE he would go easy on the hills and on me. I was obviously very, very wrong. Literally, we ran three miles up hill – both ways.

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Here were my Asics stats!


But I couldn’t complain when we ended up right in front of the market, because after our very first and faster-than-usual-for-me run of our training, we were getting a little hangry. We also needed to take cover from the tornado (that never ended up coming to our side of town). So we picked up the perfect ingredients for an after-run dinner. Every time I go to the market, I tell myself I’m going to try Bok Choy. First – it’s a super food. So, when we’re running as much as we will be, we’re going to need to be as super as we can. Also – I love bitter-tasting greens. Cabbage? I’m in. So – after having heard it was a little bitter, I was definitely interested.

I have been reading a lot online that for good women’s health, you should cut out “bad carbs” like pastas and breads. Like – HELLO? We get it already. We need to stop eating nothing but lasagna and pizza. And garlic bread. I think buffalo chicken is probably still ok though… Anyway. I have also been reading that it is important to eat things like greens, brown rice and add more beans into your diet. Well – the great news is that those items are all really tasty when you mix them together. So – that’s exactly what I did for dinner.

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Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 lb lean turkey kielbasa sausage (it comes in a package, next to the other kielbasa. Make sure you buy the turkey one, though or you can really throw the whole meal out the window for what we’re trying to accomplish here)
  • 1 cup short grain, brown rice (we use Lundberg – it is literally my favorite brand on the planet.)
  • 1 3/4 cup organic vegetable stock
  • 1 can of dark red kidney beans, drained
  • 1 cup bok choy (cut into 1 inch pieces)
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • Seasoned salt and black pepper to taste (I used about 1/4 tsp of each)

First, get your rice a cookin’ because it takes a while. In a medium saucepan, combine rice and vegetable stock over high heat. Bring to a boil, cover and turn to low. Let that simmer for 40 minutes.

Next, chop up your veggies and slice the kielbasa into diagonal, thin slices (about a half-inch thick)! You can also add a green pepper to this if you are feeling like you need more green in the bowl. We just didn’t want to overdo it the first time. In a large sauté pan, heat half the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and onion and the thick parts (not the leafy greens) of the bok choy into the pan. Saute for 10 minutes, until softened. Season the vegetables during this time with the salt, pepper, ground coriander and red pepper flakes while they’re sautéing. Next, push the veggies over to the side of the pan, and add the rest of the olive oil. Add the turkey kielbasa and sauté for 5 minutes, until warm. Add the leafy part of the bok choy and the kidney beans. Saute for an extra 3 minutes over medium heat, then cover your pan and turn it down to low. You should at this point (but I’m not a math genius) have about 8 minutes left on your rice clock (assuming it takes you as long as it did me to cut up your veggies. I was very distracted by Mr. Grumpy who was eating chocolate bunnies the entire time I was cooking dinner).

Once the rice is cooked, add it into your sauté pan, and stir. Serve immediately! Although I think this will make some really great leftovers! If you want this meal to be vegetarian – you know what not to include (right?). We are trying to eat lean meats and avoid red met as much as we can, so that’s why we chose the turkey kielbasa!

Enjoy, friends! Did anyone run in the rainstorm tonight? Is anyone training for a half-marathon too? How do you kick up your pace while training?


A Quick 5-Month Recap! (And the start of training season!)

Well gosh. It sure has been a while since we last caught up. It’s been kind of crazy up here.

WHY, you ask? Well most of you already know, but … Mr. Grumpy popped the question and… I SAID YES! Actually – let’s be honest. I think the exact words out of my mouth were, “Are you really asking me?!?! Is this real life?!?! OMG YES, YES, YES!!!” Long story short – we’re engaged and knee-deep in wedding planning. Here’s some pics of our engagement session by Mindy Sue Photography (who is seriously the BEST – if you’re looking for a wedding or life-event photog. look no further. Mindy is basically my new BFF and her pictures make me not look like a deranged squirrel, so I’m especially in friend love with her).

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Of course, you’re probably wondering how Mr. Grumpy asked. It was pretty perfect – we were getting ready to head out to his parent’s house for our holiday (yes, I’m talking Christmas it was THAT long ago) celebration. In true Cari fashion, I had NO idea that he was trying to ask me to be his wife. So here I am running around the apartment, turning off all the lights. Then, after turning off the hallway light (the last one that was on), I hear Mr. Grumpy in his I-cannot-believe-you voice say, “Cari!!!!” – so I turn the light back on and there he is, in the hallway, getting on his knee. Then I realized what he was doing and immediately started crying, shaking my head up and down and hugging/smooching him. Then, we tried to call all our friends and family and NOT ONE OF THEM answered the phone… Which would only happen to me! But, eventually they did and we’ve been celebrating ever since!

Now, this winter was especially rough. Hello – did you guys hear about the Polar Vortex? I mean that was no joke. I literally did not leave our apartment until last week – and the 10 days I spent in Colorado with my fantastic fam celebrating the wedding (pictured below!In most of these, I was laughing pretty hard. Not sorry.)

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So after the long, long winter, man – am I ready to thaw out! So ready, in fact, that I already have my first real bad sunburn, compliments of The Ohio State University (we went for Mr. Grumpy’s little brother David’s college graduation last weekend and apparently I thought I was exempt from sun lotion). But, it was worth it David!! (I was basically the only person tweeting live from the graduation ceremony…)

Because the weather is beautiful and I need to be in shape come October 25 when we say, “I do!,” Mr. Grumpy and I signed up for yet ANOTHER half marathon. Yes, the answer is YES – I am crazy. This means that we start training THIS WEEK. Part of me is excited and the other part is just asking myself, “Why. Why do you do this to yourself, Cari?” Well – sitting in the apartment for five months straight taught me something – I become a true blue Mrs. Grumpy when I can’t go outside. I also do not have the same metabolism as I did at age 23. I also developed a pretty bad addiction to Candy Crush, which ended in me having to completely delete the app from my tired, old iPhone 4. Therefore, it’s time to get my butt in motion. So, starting this week – I’ll be sharing updates on my training, wedding planning and healthy eating as we get closer and closer to the Big Day. Bare with me, folks.

Mr. Grumpy stumbled upon this handy tool on the ASICS website – you just put in what day your half marathon (or whatever your goal is) is, add your previous time (if applicable) and set a goal for this race. Then, it creates a complete training schedule for you at the click of a button. What’s great is that you can adjust your running days (for example, I refuse to run on Fridays, so I just switched my rest days) and you can change your pace at any time between easy, average and hard. What’s even better about it is that you can log all your runs and sync your schedule not only to your Google calendar (or Outlook) but also to your Runkeeper app. And if you miss a run (which happens), then you can easily reschedule.

So – if you’re looking for a handy training tool for whatever your next running adventure may be – you should definitely check this out – You won’t regret it! Or you might depending on how much you want to run…

run schedule snap

What was for dinner tonight you ask? Homemade Chipotle bowls!

Here’s a quick recipe:

  • 1 cup brown rice, cooked in chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup cilantro chopped
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 lb ground turkey (we use Jenni-O brand!), cooked and seasoned with paprika, smoked chipotle pepper and season salt
  • 1 cup of frozen red peppers, onions and green peppers, sautéed and thawed
  • 1 can of black beans and 1 can of pinto beans, drained and heated over medium heat on the stove
  • 1/4 cup of low-fat cheddar cheese (optional)
  • 1 can of no-sodium corn with green and red peppers, drained (we kept ours cold like salsa!)
  • 1/2 red tomato, diced
  • 1 cup of chopped romaine lettuce

Combine as you like it! I usually put the rice first, then beans, then turkey and cheese, the corn, lettuce, tomato and top it with the hot peppers and corn. But – it’s your bowl, so go through the line just like you would at Chipotle! Boy, this is a LOT cheaper and you’ll be a lot less tempted to put the “bad” ingredients Chipotle offers like the barbacoa or the sour cream. Enjoy!